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A rod rack for the traveling fisherman

Whether you are fishing close to home or traveling to distant waters - surf fishing, spey casting, using your favorite fly rod or your wife's old pole - chances are an automobile is involved. And this is where the EZRod'r™ will work for you.

Most broken rod stories do not involve fish!

Today there are many great places to fish that are easily accessable by car. Sometimes I fish rivers that run along a paved or dirt road, a couple of miles from my campsite. Or I might be camping and hop into my truck and drive to fish a group of small lakes. Sometimes I just drive along a local river and explore new fishing waters, moving from one hole to the next run, or up and down the beach. The automobile has made it possible for us to easily get to and explore many of our favorite waters.

But not so convenient is how we transport our fishing rods. Once reaching my destination, I want a way to travel with my fishing rod without having to always take it apart and worry about breaking it as I carefully place it inside my car. Now, with EZRod'r™ I just place my fishing rods on the outside of the vehicle and its off to the next hole, run, or surf!

I also find EZRod'r™ useful in camp by keeping my gear out of the way of my dogs, kids and myself.

Click here to learn more about EZRod'r™.

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What is EZRod'r?